High Holiday Food
We are planning a pot luck dairy veggie lunch for after services on the first day of Rosh Hashanah. Please bring something to share if you plan to stay and celebrate the holiday with our community. All are welcome.
If you are bringing something that needs to stay cool until the end of services, please bring it in a cooler.
We will set up food 15 minutes before the end of services.
Challah and grape juice will be provided, as well as most other utensils etc.
We apologize, but for this meal there will not be hot water service for coffee and tea.
Yom Kippur:
We will again be providing a modest breakfast after the shofar blowing on Yom Kippur. If you would like to help bake, shop, set up, clean up for that, please email Shelli.
Looking forward to seeing you at the holidays!
Shana tova u’mituka
May you have a sweet and wonderful new year