
Thank you for visiting this page!

We can always use donations of time and money and ideas. Some ideas for you to consider include:

-Donate a book. Sim Shalom is $22.50, Etz Hayim is $58.00.

-Donate money for general operating expenses.

-Donate in memory of a loved one's yartzeit.

-Donate in honor of a simcha-wedding, birth, anniversary, bar/bat mitzvah, other.

You may want to donate directly to our Ohel Avraham group. Feel free to click on the donation button below:

You may also want to donate your time and expertise. Some ideas include:

-Teach a d'var Torah.

-Read Torah

-Plan group events

Please contact Sam or Shelli Asher or email for more information.

Please mail donations made out to "Ohel Avraham" to 7 Standish Way, Pittsford, NY 14534

Thank you for your support!

Wish List

Interested in helping us with our wish list? Here are some ideas we have:

Talitot (prayer shawls) for the group to have so people can borrow them for Aliyot (call to the Torah)

Lev Shalem Mahzorim for the high holidays

A few more Etz Hayim books for Shabbat mornings